Below is the plan set submitted to the city of St. Petersburg. We cannot verify this is a complete set of drawings and documents. These documents were sent to us after requesting them from the city of St. Petersburg.
Landscaping and irrigation plans
Exception applications and traffic impact
Interesting to note: In the meeting notes to the left (dated October 2021), it states that Linda Quince of the Americana Cove Neighborhood Association and Richard Kirby, of the Edgemoor Neighborhood Association were contacted and "Discussions regarding the site plan's element locations were discussed as well as queuing (lines) and impacts to the adjacents (sic) to the adjacent neighborhood." NO DISCUSSIONS WERE HELD WITH ANYONE IN THE MANGROVE BAY NEIGHBORHOOD AT THIS TIME. WHY? Mangrove Bay will obviously receive more detrimental effects from this school/commercial property combo, than any other nearby neighborhood. The entrance to Americana Cove is at least a half mile northwest of the school and it is a gated community. How will traffic effect that neighborhood? There were also talks about a sidewalk along 64th Ave NE. This road is directly behind the school parking lot in the Mangrove Bay Neighborhood. This is, no doubt, so people can park in the neighborhood off 64th, Tennessee and Pershing, as well as other nearby streets to enter the school directly from the Mangrove Bay Neighborhood. |