From: Michael C. Barnette <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 9:09 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: Tom Greene <[email protected]>; Deputy Mayor <[email protected]>; James A. Corbett <[email protected]>; Joe F. Zeoli <[email protected]>; Robert M Gerdes <[email protected]>; Leah McRae <[email protected]>; Sharon Wright <[email protected]>; [email protected]
Subject: YMCA Partnership Middle School - lack of communication with the existing neighborhood
I am interested in obtaining records on the development of the YMCA Partnership Middle School off 62nd Avenue NE, particularly the required notices to affected citizens in the adjacent neighborhood, voting history, and impact analyses including anticipated traffic through the neighborhood due to the current preferred alternative to have an entrance off Pershing Street NE. I have not received any prior notice via USPS mail, nor have any of my neighbors; the only news I have found has been online in blogs and in the newspaper. But apparently you have stated you sent prior notice out informing the neighborhood of a pending vote, which apparently is inaccurate. Reportedly, when that fact was pointed out at tonight's meeting, someone stated there was a sign posted on the fence of the school property. And then you acknowledged the sign fell down after two days. That's due notice to the public?
The way this project is being developed -- excluding input and ignoring the concerns of the existing neighborhood -- is very troubling. The way it is being designed will funnel traffic through the neighborhood immediately adjacent to the facility due to the placement of the entrance off Pershing, versus off 62nd Avenue like it should be. This will result in unwanted and unneeded congestion, noise, and conflict. If there is a forum for those of us to discuss this project properly, we would be interested in such an opportunity.
Michael C. Barnette
REPLY BY: Scot Bolyard, AICP
Deputy Zoning Official, Planning & Development Services
City of St. Petersburg
On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 9:28 AM Scot K. Bolyard <[email protected]> wrote:
Good morning Mr. Barnett,
Please find attached the certificates of mailing for the rights-of-way vacation (DRC Case 21-33000018) and special exception and related site plan for the middle school and YMCA (DRC Case 21-32000015) provided by the applicant confirming that required public notice was mailed to all property owners within 300-feet of the requests. Also attached is the approval letter for the special exception and related site plan for the middle school and YMCA that was approved by the Development Review Commission at their meeting on January 5, 2022.
Scot Bolyard, AICP
Deputy Zoning Official, Planning & Development Services
City of St. Petersburg
One Fourth Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone: 727-892-5395 / Fax: 727-892-5557
[email protected]
Please note that all emails are subject to public records law.
REPLY TO SCOT BY MIKE (note the other CC'd in the communication)
From: Michael C. Barnette <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 10:08 AM
To: Scot K. Bolyard <[email protected]>
Cc: Dave S Goodwin <[email protected]>; Derek Kilborn <[email protected]>; Joe F. Zeoli <[email protected]>; Tom Greene <[email protected]>; Evan Mory <[email protected]>; Elizabeth Abernethy <[email protected]>; Corey D. Malyszka <[email protected]>; Thomas M Whalen <[email protected]>; Michael J. Frederick <[email protected]>; [email protected]
Subject: Re: YMCA Partnership Middle School - lack of communication with the existing neighborhood
Hi Scot-
Thank you for sending this.
First, I must point out that my house at 6337 Cedar Street NE is within 300 linear feet of the NW corner of the proposed development, and is not on your list of addresses. Nor are my neighbors, also within that threshold distance.
Second, can you educate me on how this list was limited to addresses only within 300 feet of the development? Is this the minimum or maximum distance as codified in existing city code? Regardless, I find this threshold woefully inadequate and myopic when considering potential traffic patterns throughout the adjacent neighborhood that are likely to result from the proposed development's entrance on Pershing Street.
Please advise so we can consider our next steps.
Michael Barnette
On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 1:39 PM Scot K. Bolyard <[email protected]> wrote:
Good afternoon Michael,
Thank you for bringing the noticing matter to our attention. Staff is deferring the public hearing for the rights-of-way vacation application (City File: DRC 21-33000018) until such time that public notice can be properly completed.
Scot Bolyard, AICP
Deputy Zoning Official, Planning & Development Services
City of St. Petersburg
From: Michael C. Barnette <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2022 8:01 PM
To: Scot K. Bolyard <[email protected]>
Cc: Dave S Goodwin <[email protected]>; Elizabeth Abernethy <[email protected]>; Corey D. Malyszka <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: YMCA Partnership Middle School - lack of communication with the existing neighborhood
Thank you for updating me. If you could please let me know what/when the next meetings or hearings are for this development as soon as those details are available, it would be greatly appreciated.